Mid Sussex District Plan

Mid Sussex District Council have developed their District Plan in line with the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Localism Act.  It reflects the aspirations of Central Government to give local people more ownership and control over the planning of their area, so that development is seen as a positive thing that can help communities maintain a high quality of life, increase economic prosperity and protect the environment to meet current needs and the needs of future generations.

The Plan sets out a vision for how Mid Sussex wants to evolve and a delivery strategy for how that will be achieved. It sets out broad guidance on the distribution and quality of development in the form of ‘higher level’ strategic policies.  It is a way of implementing the area’s Sustainable Communities Strategy and provides the framework for all subsequent planning documents, including Neighbourhood Plans.  The Plan will cover the period up to 2031 and will replace the majority of the Mid Sussex Local Plan adopted in 2004.  The Plan can be found here MSDC District Plan and the Sustainability Assessment here MSDC Sustainability Report May 2012.  More information can be found on their website MSDC.

The NPPF was published on March 27th 2012 and sets out to make the planning system less complex and more accessible, to protect the environment and to promote sustainable growth.  This document can be found here National Planning Policy Framework

The District Plan and Neighbourhood Plans that are developed by local communities have to fall in line with the NPPF.